Frequently Asked Questions:
What types of bail bonds are available? See here
How do I obtain a Property Bond? Follow the instructions here to obtain a property bond.
How do I file for a Protective Order? Follow the instructions here to file for a protective order [temporary restraining order]
How do I file for an Expungement? Expungement forms and instructions can be found here.
How can I represent myself in court if I cannot afford an attorney? Resources for Self-Represented Litigants can be found on our self-help website
What technology is available for use in the courtrooms of the 25th JDC? Available technology to attorneys and pro-se litigants can be found here.
How do I request a transcript of a court hearing? Transcripts can be requested by completing the Transcript Request form in its entirety and submitting to the Court for processing.
How do I pay my fines? Instructions for payment of fines can be found here.