Juror Information Line (504) 934-6725


juror questionnaire

The questionnaire is required to be completed within seven days of receipt and returned to the Clerk of Court as directed on the summons. The form can be completed online through the fillable form located in the Links tab, printed and submitted by mail, email to jury@clerk25th.com or fax at 504-934-6629.


Events may occur whereby a jury will not be needed for the date subpoenaed, but this may not be known until a day prior to the trial date.  Please call (504) 934-6725 or check our website, Facebook and Twitter pages after 4:30 p.m. the day before you are scheduled to appear in order to determine whether the trial has been rescheduled or cancelled.

What to Wear and What to Bring

You are expected to wear comfortable, respectful attire befitting court attendance.  No shorts, tank tops, hats or flip-flops may be worn in the courtroom.  You may want to bring a sweater or light jacket.

Please bring your subpoena with you. Reading and writing material are permitted outside the courtroom; cell phones are not allowed in the courthouse unless authorized by the Court. Please bear in mind that you are subject to search upon entering the courthouse. Weapons and items perceived to be weapons will be confiscated. Pocket knives, scissors, etc should be left at home or in your vehicle.

Due to limited eating facilities available at and around the courthouse, you are welcome to bring snacks or lunch, particularly if you have special dietary needs.  Vending machines with drinks and snacks are on the premises, but they empty quickly on jury days.  If you are selected as a juror, lunch, snacks and drinks will be provided.

Please remember – do not bring children.