Juvenile Court - Division B

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Department of Youth & Family Services (DYFS) and Families in Need of Services (FINS)

The Department of Youth and Family Services is located at 115 Keating Drive, Belle Chasse, LA 70037.
The office is used for meetings between probation officers and families by appointment. Inter-agency conferences, classes in parenting, anger management, counseling and other services pertaining to juveniles and families are also held at this location in cooperation and coordination with the Plaquemines C.A.R.E. Center.

What is FINS?

Families In Need of Services (FINS) became effective in all courts having juvenile jurisdiction on July 1, 1994, as Title VII of the Louisiana Children’s Code. It is a new approach designed to bring together resources for the purpose of helping families (troubled youth and their parents) to remedy self destructive behaviors by juveniles and/or other family members.

Goals of FINS?

FINS goals are to reduce formal juvenile court involvement while generating appropriate community services to benefit the child and improve family relations.

How does FINS work?

The FINS process begins with a written complaint, submitted to the FINS program office alleging that a family is in need of services. Anyone may file a complaint, however, it is most common that law enforcement, school officials and parents make the referrals. Grounds for such a complaint are that a child is truant or has willfully and repeatedly violated lawful school rules, ungovernable, a runaway, in possession of or consuming intoxicating substances, the caretaker is contributing to the child’s problematic behavior, and/or the caretaker willfully fails to attend meeting with school officials to discuss child’s problem. Once a complaint is filed, the family is expected to cooperate with efforts to resolve its problems as recommended by FINS.

Contact the DYFS/FINS Administrator, Cole Sisung, for more information and assistance.

Juvenile Probation:

Juvenile probation officers are assigned and work closely with the Judge, the schools and the DYFS/FINS Administrator in monitoring juveniles.

Contact Juvenile Probation Officer Brandon Mouriz or Kevin Riley for more information and assistance.



Louisiana Child Abuse Hotline
#1-855-4LA-KIDS (452-5437)
*reports made orally must be followed by a written report to DCFS or local law enforcement within five (5) days. 
A form CPI-2 for this purpose is available at www.dcfs.la.gov

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Families In Need of Services (FINS)